




Life in Adelaide 1/20~2/13

I left Haneda at 22:30 and arrived in Adelaide around 18:00 the next day. I waited at the Sydney airport for a few hours and changed to a domestic flight. It was a 10-hour flight from Haneda to Sydney, but unfortunately, my LCD was broken, so I had nothing to do and slept while eating gummies I bought at the airport.

I met my host family at the Adelaide airport, and they drove me home. The humidity was low, and the temperature was high, but there was a cool breeze, which made the weather very comfortable.  





There was a friendly cat in the house. My host brother had an Xbox One, so we hooked it up to the TV and played some games. However, it took about 50 minutes to get to the city from my house by train and on foot, and the language school I went to the first week was also in the city, so it was quite inconvenient. After language school, I would walk around the city with my friends every day and go back home at night. There was a game arcade, but there were not many kinds of games, and it was small compared to those in Japan.


家には人懐っこいネコがいました。ホストブラザーがXbox Oneを持っていたので、テレビに繋げてゲームもしました。しかし家からシティーまでは徒歩・電車合わせて50分ほどかかり、1週目に行く語学学校もシティーにあるのでかなり不便でした。語学学校が終わると毎日友達とシティーを歩き回り、夜になってから家に帰る生活を送っていました。ゲームセンターもありましたが、種類も少なく、日本のものに比べると小さいです。


I also went to Glenelg Beach, which is the closest beach to the city, because 1/26 was Australia Day, an Australian national holiday. I forgot to apply sunscreen and my nose became very red and peeled off later. Many of the restaurants near the beach were overpriced. However, the taste was exceptional, and lunch while looking at the beach felt very special.


ちょうど1/26はAustralia Dayと言われるオーストラリアの祝日なので、シティーから一番近いGlenelg Beachにも行きました。日焼け止めを塗り忘れて、鼻がとても赤くなった上に、後から皮も剥けてきました。ビーチの近くのレストランは値段の高いものが多かったです。しかし味は格別で、ビーチを見ながら食べる昼ご飯はとても特別に感じました。


In no time, the week at the language school was over and life at the local school had begun.

We had to submit a kind of preference form for subjects’ choice in advance, but it mostly didn’t turn out the way we wanted. I was told that the school has nearly 1,000 students and that this was the reason for this. Unlike the transportation in Japan, I must leave my house one hour before school starts because the buses are not always on time, unlike Japanese transportation. I had to look at Google Maps to find where I was.

I didn’t understand the local school system at all at first, but I didn’t have much trouble because people in my class and other classes taught me a lot. Everyone was very proactive, so I was never alone at school. During recess, we would often sit outside on shaded benches and spend time chatting with everyone. In class, we use tablets and laptops. Since we were international students, we couldn’t connect to the Internet and work on the assignments given in class until a little after school started, but this system is quite convenient. Moreover, on days when there is a specific class, the students are informed of what they will be doing in that class the day before through Google Classroom, so I found it very easy to understand. I even think it would be a good idea to adopt this system at Yokohama Fujimigaoka. We use student IDs and do most of our classes paperless. In addition, during the first week, I went to a botanical garden called Adelaide Botanic Garden with my friend I made here in Australia. It was a very new experience because it was a place I would never normally go to. 



事前に選択科目の希望票のようなものを出すのですが、ほとんど希望通りにはなりませんでした。学校の人数は1000人近くいるらしく、その影響だといわれました。今度の家は学校からバスで30分程離れているのですが日本の交通機関と違ってオンタイムに来ない上にたまに遅延ではなくバスが来ないという事態も起こるので学校が始まる1時間前には家を出ています。Google Mapsを見ながら移動しないと自分がどこにいるのかが全く分からなくなります。

現地校のシステムは最初は全く分かりませんでしたが、同じクラスや違うクラスの人達が色々教えてくれたのであまり困ることはありませんでした。みんなとても明るい性格をしていて積極的に関わってくれるので学校で一人になることもありませんでした。休み時間は外の日陰のベンチに座ってみんなで雑談をして過ごすことが多いです。授業は基本的にタブレットやノートパソコンを使います。留学生ということもあって僕らが実際にインターネットに接続して授業で出された課題に取り組むのは学校が始まってから少し後でしたが、このシステムはかなり便利ですね。しかも授業がある日は、クラスルームを通じて前日にその日の授業で何をするのかをはっきりと生徒に伝えているのが凄い分かりやすいと感じました。横浜富士見丘で採用してもいいのではないかと思うくらいです。生徒用のIDを使い、ほとんどの授業をペーパーレスで行っています。さらに最初の週には、友達とAdelaide Botanic Gardenという植物園に行きました。普段なら絶対行くことのない場所だったのでとても新鮮な体験でした。


On February 11, I went to a store in the city that sells Japanese anime and game goods. I also went to Daiso, which made me realize the difference in prices between Japan and Australia. After that, I went to a fashionable café with six of my friends, including friends from the local school. I have rarely been to a café with friends before, and even more so in a stylish café in the city, so this was a new experience for me. The roses on the ceiling were amazing and the drinks were very tasty.




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